Monday, March 5, 2012

Newest Non-Fasting Lipid Panel

Due to a recent minor surgery (endoscopic sinus) my primary doctor had a full blood panel done.  I was surprised (as was my ENT when they saw I had one done prior to surgery) but went along with it.  Too bad I didn't fast though, as I had a full lunch (whole avocado and lots of other fats) just a couple of hours prior to the test.  Whoops.  I discovered that the result is an extremely high level of triglycerides in the blood.  This is entirely normal for those on low-carbohydrate.  Your triglyceride count may actually be higher than your high or moderately high carbohydrate eaters.  The main difference being, a few hours after your triglycerides will be kicked in their place if you subscribe to LC.

Without further ado, here are some interesting results from my non-fasting full blood panel:
(All mg/dL unless noted)

Total Cholesterol:  207
Triglycerides: 143 (YOWZA!)
HDL:  57
Chol/HDL Ratio:  3.6 ratio
LDL (Direct):  126

Other interesting readings:

Glucose:  90
Bun: 19
Creatinine: 0.8
Sodium: 140mmol/L
Potassium:  4.6mmol/L
Chloride:  98mmol/L
Calcium:  9.8
Uric Acid:  5.4

(For those that state low-carbers have low calcium and high uric acid - eat those results!)

Note:  The test results state again:  Your lipid profile is abnormal.  Please continue to work on a low fat diet, exercise and weight management.  Please return in 3 months.  OK for surgery.

To borrow from Tom Naughton (

It appears there was a good increase of HDL.  From the clinical trials and studies I read up shortly after receiving this test, triglycerides are the most affected by not fasting before the test - and eating fatty foods will only compound the figure.  The other reading may also be total cholesterol.  But we all should know by now that cholesterol counts (even in the "High" range) are not cause for concern.  We need it.

And for comparison, my last fasting lipid panel (which didn't have a full spectrum of other cool stats):

Total Cholesterol: 189
Triglycerides: 50
HDL: 51
Chol/HDL Ratio: 3.7
LDL (Direct): 117

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